Getting Started with Divorce
Your divorce can be the one that nobody hears about. The divorce that is settled quickly, on fair terms, without any nastiness, threats, or significant legal fees. The divorce that lays the foundation for you living the life you desire and deserve.
That’s why we’re here. The Bruce Law Firm, P.A. limits what we do to helping people through this difficult process.
Our divorce education resources will teach you how to develop and execute upon strategies designed for having the Best Divorce possible and a life to be proud about when your divorce is over.
To get started, this is what you need to do now:
- Read our Divorce Books: We’ve put together five books covering just about every topic you’d need to know about divorce. Our books explain the law, explain divorce strategy (including how to deal with emotionally abusive spouses), how to get organized for divorce, and even how to go about finding and hiring divorce lawyers. Of note, several of our books are tailored to women who have controlling, manipulative, or emotionally abusive husbands. Our books are free, and if you live locally, we’ll even mail you a free hard copy of the book! Click here to view our library of books available for your free download.
View our online guides: Read our comprehensive guides that explain the basics of everything you need to know about divorce strategy, Florida divorce law, and Florida divorce procedure. These guides are available for your review now (click the title to view the guide):
Divorce Strategy Guide: What you need to know about how to prepare and execute upon strategies designed to result in you having the Best Divorce possible.
Florida Divorce Law Guide: The basics of what you need to know about the law that applies to a Florida divorce.
Florida Divorce Law Guide: An explanation of “what happens” and “when it happens” during a Florida divorce.
- Don’t Overlook Saving Your Marriage: If you have not yet tried saving your marriage you should. Check out (it’s not just for people in Florida) for helpful resources, including interviews with marriage counselors and articles. And if you are in Florida, there are links to knowledgeable therapists in your area who you can turn to for more help.
- Consider Meeting the Bruce Law Firm: Eventually you should consider meeting with an attorney if you plan to pursue divorce. This website was created by South Florida Divorce lawyer Christopher R. Bruce, who handles select divorce cases in the South Florida area.
Click here or call (561) 286-8275 if you are interested in learning more about how Christopher R. Bruce or his law firm (the Bruce Law Firm, P.A.) may be able to assist with your divorce.
As you move forward, keep in mind that nearly everything involved with having the Best Divorce possible comes from what happens before you tell your spouse and the world that you are getting a divorce. Resist the temptation to act impulsively before you have prepared yourself emotionally for divorce and developed strategies for resolving the divorce and improving your life.
If you are prepared, and have solid plan that avoids that avoids most strategic mistakes (which our resources can teach you) you will have the best chance of preventing most of the problems that can prevent you from resolving your divorce on fair terms, as soon as possible, and in a manner that allows you to move on to your desired life after the divorce.
- Review this with one of our attorenys- Schedule a Conversation
- Call today to schedule a time to talk to an attorney (561-286-8275)